

Account registration

Why register with

Only registered users can leave feedback on the website and add events.

How to register?

Click on “Log in" and select one of the options — via Facebook, Google or Kyivopenid. Your account will immediately activate — no additional confirmation via email is necessary.

What data are to be indicated in the profile?

The account has a “Settings” tab where you can indicate your name, phone number, and add brief information about yourself. You can also change the password to your account on

Section “Calendar of events”

How to add your event on

First of all, log in to add your event on the map. To create a new event page, do the following steps:

  • Click on “Add” icon and select “Event” in a dialog box.
  • Enter event name and press “Continue”.
  • Enter all necessary information: event name (in Ukrainian and English), description (in Ukrainian and English), event date, keywords, prices.
  • Enter the address or select an event venue from the website’s database.  
  • Enter details of the organiser, telephone, email, links to social media pages.
  • Add a horizontal poster. 
  • Press “Submit”.

When will my event appear on

A page featuring your event will appear on the website after verification, on a first-come-first-served basis. If your event corresponds to the theme of the website and you have correctly entered all the information, the website administrator will activate it. 

What kind of events can I add?

You can post interesting events that take place in Kyiv and fall under the following topics: culture, education, food and drink, business, leisure, sports, time with children, romance, free of charge, health, socio-political matters.

How many events can I add?

You may add an unlimited number of interesting events.

How can I manage my events?

The list of all your events is accessible in your personal account. You may edit pages containing all your events when you are logged in. An event will be moderated each time it is modified, and any changes will be activated after their approval by the administrator.

Changing settings

How can I change a password on the website?

You can change your password in the “Settings” tab in your account menu.

How can I delete my account?

The account can be deleted by the website administrator upon your request emailed to:
