Gatne village
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744 m. Gatne village
784 m. Gatne village
Memorial complex to the Defenders of the Fatherland
805 m. 20 Zhulyanska St, Gatne village
1,89 km. Gatne village
Fortetsya Hetmana Hotel and Restaurant Complex
2,03 km.
(068) 677-97-97
Permanent Fire Position No. 179
4,76 km. Vita-Poshtova village
4,77 km. Vita-Poshtova
Олександр Перепелиця
Миша Кот
Александра Белогуб
Диана Папченко
Тт Тт
Настя Смайлик
Виталий Киев
Наташа Туровец
Silverstone Ukrainian
Alexey Knot