The wall of the Old Russian temple was found in 1989 by the Kiev archaeologists at the accomplishment of the territory of the church of the saints Boris and Hlib. The ancient foothills are made of rubble stone - boulders and blocks of granite and quartzite gray, pinkish-gray and greenish-gray colors.
These masonry bind with the stone church of the saints Boris and Hlib - the burial place of the first Russian saints Boris and Hlib. It was, without exaggeration, the main shrine of Kyivan Rus.
The interest in this monument was the beginning of archaeological excavations in Vyshgorod in the 19th century.
The history of the construction of the Boris-Hlib Church is connected with one of the most tragic events in the history of Kyivan Rus. After the death of Prince Volodymyr the Great one of his sons, Svyatopolk Cursed, killed his brothers Boris and Hlib.
Subsequently, the sons of Yaroslav the Wise, Izyaslav and Svyatoslav, laid a stone church-burial site for the burial of the remains of the first saints of the Old Russian land.