61 Litopysna St, Pereyaslav
Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnipro Ukraine
46 m. 61 Litopysna St, Pereyaslav
(045) 675-56-41
69 m. Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnieper, Pereyaslav
Museum of the History of the Orthodox Church
191 m. Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnieper, Pereyaslav
(045) 675-28-55
217 m. 61 Litopysna St, Pereyaslav
1,13 km. 34 Mykhayla Sikorsky Street, Pereyaslav, Kyiv region
Museum of Architecture of Ancient Pereyaslav
1,13 km. 34 Mykhailo Sikorskoho St, Pereyaslav
(045) 675-16-75
1,58 km. 49 Pokrovskaya S, Pereyaslav
(066) 243-91-64
1,76 km. 20 Bohdan Khmelnytsky St, Pereyaslav
(045) 675-36-41
Battle of the Dnieper Diorama Museum
1,89 km. 54 Skovoroda St, Pereyaslav
(067) 868-36-34
Museum of T.H. Shevchenko’s Will
2,13 km. 8 Shevchenko St, Pereyaslav
(045) 675-25-78